Break it down: It's a car, but it's a better trailer.
1. Cargo space (box type): Fiberglass Car Body
2. Frame: Aluminum
3. Suspension: Leaf Spring
4. Wheels/ tires: 10" chrome
5. tongue weight: 15-17lbs
6. hitch ball size: 2”
7. Chains (yes/no): Hope so.
8. Swivel hitch (yes/No): No
9. Carrying capacity (weight/space): Average
10. Lighting, brakes/turn 4 rear/turn, front and rear side markers
11. Inside light? ?
12. Electrical connection type to bike: 4-wire flat
13. Water tight? (yes/no): Yes
14. Durability (lifespan): 18-20yrs
15. Extras? It's a FLAMING car!
16. Building Difficulty level (1-10): 11. (on a scale of 1-10)
17. Estimated Cost (US $): $ 3600
18. Spare Tire (yes/no) No
19 Notes:
Seeing this trailer being pulled down the road would cause a momonet of jaw hanging wonder. Where does someone start to conceive the idea that pulling the car and riding the bike should be the way to go? Only a true biker with the drive and resources to pull this thing off could make it come to life, my hats-off-to-you-sir!
Karl S
Click here for more information on Pull Behind Motorcycle Trailers.
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