Sunday, October 7, 2012

60 Day Challenge. Day 1

I get asked a lot about what kind of trailer I would build (or buy) and why. My answer usually remains the same.

That depends.

  • What size of a bike do you ride?
  • How much storage capacity do you currently have?
  • What do you want to use the trailer for?

Everyone's situation is different.

I usually start with the easy questions and move onto the more difficult ones.

  • What kind of trailer do you think would look great behind your bike?
  • Do you ride like you are racing the AMA Pro circuit?
  • How much junk does your wife like to bring?


Break it down:

1.    Cargo space (box type):                       Minivan topper

2.    Frame:                                                  Aluminum square stock

3.    Suspension:                                          Spring

4.    Wheels/ tires:                                        10” mag wheels with universal tires

5.    tongue length/weight:                            10-12lbs

6.    hitch ball size:                                        2”

7.    Chains (yes/no):                                    Yes

8.    Swivel hitch (yes/No):                           No

9.    Carrying capacity (weight/space):        One space, average capacity

10.  Lighting, brakes/turn                             On fenders

11.  Inside light?                                           No                  

12.  Electrical connection type to bike:        4 wire flat

13.  Water tight? (yes/no):                           yes

14.  Durability (lifespan):                              12-15 years    

15.  Building Difficulty level (1-10):  3

16.  Estimated Cost (US $):                 $750

17. Notes: This is one of the cleaniest looking trailers that I've seen with these store bought components. 



What this is:

My 60 day challenge: analyze 60 cargo trailers and write a description of  who this trailer would be best suited for. To be clear: this is an unsolicited breakdown of some interesting trailers that I have seen and photographed at bike rally's, pictures sent to me for contests, or across the web. 

It is a writing experiment for me. If you would like to follow along, help, or be a critic in any way shape or form, please do.

Also, any additional information that you would like to send regarding your trailer would be awesome.

This is Day 1. See you on the other side.


Karl S


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